MPG Visa service in Bali

Bali businesses & services

The best Visa Service in Bali offers all about PMA, Visa Extension, Retirement Visa, Working Visa, Business Visa, Investor Visa and Social Visa, with more than 20 years experience.

Bali businesses & services

Visa Services Bali by Mitra Prestasi Gemilang (MPG) is an authorized and official visa agent. With more than 20 years of experience, your passport is in safe hands with our company. We provide all types of visas : Retirement Visa, Social Cultural Visa, Kitas Visa (Working Permit), Visa on Arrival, Business Visa with multiple entry and Investor Visa. 


MPG is also a business consultant. If you are a foreigner in Bali and want to start a business, we guide you through all the necessary steps. We help you get a working permit, company license, business visa and provide all information needed to successfully set up your business in Bali. 


Need a Visa or Looking to Set Up a Company in Indonesia?

Whether you’re planning to stay longer in Indonesia, require a visa extension, or want to establish your own company, our team is ready to guide you through the entire process. With expert support and a smooth process, we’ll ensure everything is taken care of, hassle-free.


Bali businesses & services
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contact details

Telephone               +62 (0)361 4511 236

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